A Época dos Toselli de Rastos
TAMBEM EM 1973 e nos OLIVAIS no Edificio principal e no 1º andar logo à saida da rampa la tinhamos os Toselli a co-habitar com os David Browns e com os empilhadores DATSUN e LANCER BOSS.
Os Toselli eram conhecidos tractores de rastos que se usavam no Oeste na zona do Bombarral e Torres Vedras.
Tambem os havia de pneus de simples tracção.
Ficaram celebres as subidas na rampa feitas pelo "miudos" dos tractores que na altura com 14 anos ja movimentavam os tractores rampa acima, rampa abaixo.
Era o caso do Toni Vieira, do Vitor ( falecido) e do Luis Araujo. Havia um outro que não recordo o nome. Dessa altura chefiavam as oficinas o Carlos Marçal que foi para o Entreposto Industrial e depois para a David Brown. Tambem o João Castanheira e o Jose Marques. foram homens da Assistência. Com a saida do Carlos Marçal, entrou o Gomes Pereira vindo da MF - Tractores de Portugal.
Toselli srl is a traditional family company that has been manufacturing agricultural machinery since 1935. It was founded by Tonino Toselli, an exceptionally skilled and inventive craftsman, who started his business building various types of wooden ploughs. After his children joined the company, it began producing new equipment, including grubbers, harrows and weeders, and distinguished itself on the market for the quality, reliability and effectiveness of its machinery.
On account of the new requirements which emerged in the agricultural field at the end of the 1960s, the company started to develop and build fully-mounted, semi-mounted and self-propelled sprayers, which then became the company's main business. It is therefore with great pride that we present some examples of the evolution of our machines for crop protection, developed from 1969 onwards.
Etiquetas: Tractores Toselli